Course Catalog
Music Theory 1
Art Regular1112
Course Description
Students will develop and/or expand their music notation reading and writing skills. Students will gain facility identifying and manipulating pitches in all clefs, major and minor scales, and intervals. Students will compose following the rules of 1st and 2nd species counterpoint. Students will notate, aurally and visually identify, and collaboratively and individually perform simple progressions. Secondary functions will be discussed and explored. Students will examine and analyse structural elements including (but not limited to) form, pedal point, unifying elements, such as ostinato, motiv, and melodic inversion and retrograde. Additional topics will be included as time permits. Primary tools for learning course materials include in-class ear training, sight singing, and dictation assignments, daily homework, quizzes, and tests and/or presentations. Assessments will include homework assignments, tests, and quizzes as well as individual and collaborative projects.Student Voice
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