Course Catalog
Latin 2
Classics/MFL Regular910
Course Description
Students integrate their grammatical and translation skills and review the previous year's material. Vocabulary is reviewed and increased, and irregular verbs are stressed. Selections are read from the stories of Hercules, Perseus & Medusa and Jason & the Argonauts. More extensive selections from Caesar's Gallic Wars will be read in order to introduce students for the first time to "real" Latin. The background of the Gallic Wars will be studied, introducing Julius Caesar's life, the geography of the western Roman Empire, Roman political structure, the organization of the army, and some broader themes such as the use of propaganda and the justification of aggression in the ancient world. In this course, the keeping of an accurate and complete notebook is extremely important. At the end of the year students will translate a few selections from Ovid's Metamorphoses. Regular tests are given on both grammar and translation.Students are assessed via quizzes, tests and engaging term projects.Student Voice
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