This is an AP course.By enrolling in an AP class, you are required to take the AP exam at the end of the year. See details on the way AP courses work at BLA here.
Course Description
This course is intended to parallel a college composition course. In Advanced Placement (AP)English Language and Composition students learn to write in a variety of forms – synthesis, analytical, argumentative – and on a variety of subjects from personal experiences to public policies, from imaginative literature to popular culture. As the course is offered in the 11th grade, it focuses solely on American authors and the American Experience, but with some global context. The main objective is that students write effectively and confidently in all their college courses, and in their professional and personal lives. Therefore, this course emphasizes the synthesis, analytical, and argumentative writing that forms the basis of academic and professional communication, as well as the personal and reflective writing that fosters the ability to write in any context. Students will be given ample opporunity to confer with their teacher and receive feedback they are expected to use in their writing. Boston Latin Academy works in partnership with Mass Insight, a non-profit agency that offers teacher trainings, prep sessions for students, and other resourecs. This organization also facilitates occassional Saturday and after-school study sessions and a mock exam that students are expected to participate in. A research-based, analytical essay is a major benchmark assessment of the course. Students need to come to this class with not just high levels of reading strategy and comprehension, but also strong abilities in analytical writing. [Students will study rhetoric and read classical essays by writers such addition to core texts which include...] Students enrolled in AP Language and Composition are expected to take the AP English Language and Composition exam in May.